Saturday Sports 4 - 6pm Saturday 20 July

20 Jul 2024 by "Kelly"

Adrian Scott and Nicholas host Saturday Sports Show,covering the latest local, national and international sport. Reviews & analyses.

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Saturday Sports 4 - 6pm Saturday 13 July

13 Jul 2024 by "Kelly"

Adrian Scott and Nicholas host Saturday Sports Show,covering the latest local, national and international sport. Reviews & analyses.

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Saturday Sports 4 - 6pm Saturday 29 June

29 Jun 2024 by "Kelly"

Adrian Scott and Afzul Sumra host Saturday Sports Show,covering the latest local, national and international sport. Reviews & analyses.

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Saturday Sports 4 - 6pm Saturday 22 June

22 Jun 2024 by "Kelly"

Adrian Scott, Afzul Sumra host Saturday Sports Show,covering the latest local, national and international sport. Reviews & analyses.

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Saturday Sports 4 - 6pm Saturday 15 June

15 Jun 2024 by "Kelly"

Afzul Sumra and Isaac host Saturday Sports Show,covering the latest local, national and international sport. Reviews & analyses.

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